• Lost File? Missed Deadline? Another Disconnected Meeting? We Can Make It Better.

We can help, when working from home isn't working for you.

Improved Computer And Wi-Fi Network Reliability.

Has it been 10 years since you last replaced your computer, do you dread the ordeal of getting a new one? Is your iPhone a few years old and starting to slow down? Perhaps you're wondering if an iPad could replace your MacBook, or if you should put your files in the cloud. Home Network Pros will help with Apple product selection, ordering, and set-up. Together we will work out a game plan for moving everything onto your new device, and upgrade those applications that we must.  

Our extensive knowledge and comprehensive experience supporting Apple and associated products, enables Home Network Pros to offer to you an entire suite of Apple product-related support services. We're happy to discuss anything that you may be curious about, and are always ready to share what we know about anything Apple.
Please, just ask!

Is Your Computer Backed Up?

Apple Time Machine® is an application included with every Mac, it's used to backup the computer to a hard drive or a network storage device such as Apple AirPort Time Capsule. Cloud backup services are available from several vendors, and offer similar plans all with the same objective. To backup files to the cloud, in order to safeguard against data loss from accidental deletion of a file, and more importantly gives the ability to recover data from computers that have been lost in a fire or other catastrophic event. 

Backing up is automatic and easy, but you've got to take the first step to get it started. There is a pervasive myth that "Apple is backing up my computer to the cloud", seriously they are not, really. Really. We will help you choose which methods are best for backing up all of your files, so that you will never have to worry about data loss ever again.

Are You Operating Without A Plan? 

You are unprotected against computer viruses and other exploits if you haven't established a plan to safeguard your network. Unfortunately no technology can prevent a person from clicking the wrong link, or opening an 'infected' file. Which is one reason that we employ several layers of protection, to minimize risk from human error and inattention.

Our Active Network Management service dramatically reduces risks, using a Next-Generation Firewall to block threats from ever reaching computers or other devices via the network. This assures that every device on the network, is protected from every other one. Computers of Managed Support clients are also protected by multiple anti-virus/anti-malware monitoring, prevention, and other software to manage and minimize vulnerability to an ever changing collection of threat sources that can cause computer downtime and worse.

Contact us when you're ready to get more out of your Mac,
wherever you may be working today or tomorrow.


You made time for us right away.

Wi-Fi and wired connectivity were unreliable throughout our new home! You made time for us right away. Now connectivity overall is much more consistent, and wired connectivity has been great. Call Home Network Pros now — you'll never regret having faster, more reliable connectivity.

Dan from Menlo Park